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Why Phonics Instruction Alone Isn't Enough with Laura Tortorelli

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Assistant Professor at Michigan State University
Dr. Laura Tortorelli is an Assistant Professor of Elementary Literacy in the Department of Teacher Education at Michigan State University. She earned her Ph.D. in Reading Education from the University of Virginia. Her scholarship examines the texts, technology, and instructional practices that support early reading acquisition in school contexts. Her work has been supported by the National Science Foundation and the International Literacy Association. She has been named an Emerging Scholar by the Reading Hall of Fame and a Jeanne Chall Visiting Researcher by the Harvard Graduate School of Education. She is currently an associate editor of The Reading Teacher. Her current projects include a research-practice partnership to examine how teachers use digital texts for reading instruction, funded by the Spencer Foundation, and the Read STOP Write project to develop decoding and fluency instruction embedded in informational text reading, funded by the Advanced Education Research and Development Fund.
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Director of Partnerships at Just Right Reader
Attended (120)